Not only were Ford’s investors impressed with the new technology presented inside the car manufacturers’ new vehicle line-up, but the virtual event also took place in custom-designed, fully branded virtual sets that took the audience on a visual journey.
The 90’ wide LED Volume was extended to infinity by virtually extending the digital content beyond the volume.

Kicking off the event with a high-level keynote, the speaker welcomed the audience and presented the newest developments on a virtual stage. The virtually created reflections coming off the LED wall immerse the speaker in this fully virtual environment and convince spectators of a realistic setting.

With the press of a button, the location changes from a stage setup to the inside of an innovation lab.

Inside the virtual innovative design lab, Ford’s speaker was able to show the full line-up of cars, inside and out without ever having to physically take apart (or re-assemble) an actual vehicle.

A detailed, virtual replica of the technology behind the vehicles visualized the product and illustrated key pieces in detail to demonstrate the speaker’s explanation of the technology.

Set extension around the 90ft wide LED stage, realistic reflections, and natural lighting allowed for this extended reality production to be truly immersive.